Is Therapy for Me?

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Sometimes, clients who come to see me for the first time tend to equare therapy with being or feeling “crazy.” I try to normalize therapy for everyone during the intake session. The truth is, therapy is as beneficial as a preventative yearly check-up with a primary care provider. Below are some expample of why people seek therpay. Can you relateve to any of these reasons? If so, therapy may be for you!

  • some people go to therapy to break down severe childhood trauma

  • some people go to therapy because their job is super stressful

  • some people go to therapy because they’re worried all the time about things they know they should be worried about, but they worry anyway

  • some people go to therapy because they’re bad at focusing

  • some people go to therapy because their family member said they should, but they’re enjoying the experience either way

    All in all, there is no wrong time, reason, or explation to go see a therapist. That’s what we are here for!